Hurricane Helene Information & Resources
It’s safe to say that the damage from Hurricane Helene is unprecedented,
creating challenges that will impact the landscape for generations to come.
In addition to the massive toll on people and development, many forests have been heavily damaged by Hurricane Helene, and each forest stand will have its own unique challenges. The main current concern to address quickly is the potential for ongoing erosion from badly damaged forest roads, landslides, or just ground disturbance.
Damaged forests will re-grow. Virtually all of WNC was clearcut within the last 100-150 years. The current forests we have are 2nd or 3rd growth since historic logging in the early 1900’s. It will take decades to understand the full impact of Helene’s impact and forest recovery. All the while, hardwood tree stumps will resprout and ample native seeds have been left to replace and replicate the pre-Helene forest. We have a chance to shape the future forest to make it more diverse and of higher quality for wildlife and/or timber. As the forest regrows we can favor more desirable trees (like oak) that need help by releasing them from their more common competition or invasives.”
If invasives were or are present they will need to be carefully monitored and controlled, as they spread very rapidly and will take over the new growing space with more sunlight. If not controlled invasives will outcompete and grow over native trees, stopping the natural forest from regenerating.
On December 18th 2024, EcoForesters and the USFS Southern Research Station gathered forestry professionals and non-profits together to share information about challenges facing our forests post- Helene. Over 250 people came to learn more about how forests were damaged and what can be done to improve forest health.
Here are some facts to determine feasibility for a salvage timber harvest:
- Trees/logs need to be at least 12” diameter at the small end and be solid for at least an 8′ length to have any value and only logs that are without any significant damage (e.g. no splitting) or major branches are merchantable.
- Downed timber is only merchantable for about 6 months before it starts to decay and loses all value. Best to harvest high value timber as quickly as possible.
- The primary merchantable, possibly, profitable species is oak (especially white oak); large yellow poplar and white pine are selling for close to the salvage logging cost (i.e. no profit for landowner).
- Loggers usually want at least 10-acres of good timber, especially under these demanding circumstances.
- Sites with good accessibility to, and around them for large machinery are much more feasible. Loggers and mills were already in short supply so only larger tracts with good access may be appealing. If you are interested in finding a buyer here is a link to timber buyers searchable by county.
Key Points:
- Stop Erosion: Make sure any disturbed soil or landslides are stabilized/revegetated to protect soil and water conservation – especially live-staking near streams with coconut fiber matting. Also eroding roads/trails can be seeded with annual ryegrass (even in winter) then replant with native seed mixes and woody plants. Click here to learn more about erosion or eroding stream banks.
- Be Firewise: Clear all fuels at least 30’ away from any structures, and consider moving large down woody material (>12” diameter) up to 100’ away, especially downhill, from structures. Click here to learn more about fire-resistant landscaping
- Re-Establish Forest Access: Stabilize erosion and clear major forest roads for emergency access.
- Salvage Harvest: If you have 10+ acres of large down trees (>12” in diameter at small end) you could consider doing a salvage timber harvest in the next ~6-months.
- Cut up smaller material: Smaller logs (<12” diameter) and brush can be cut to be no more than 3’ off the ground and left as habitat and to decompose as mulch then fertilizer. Also provide some access to manage invasives and tree regeneration in these areas. If accessible these areas can also be forestry mulched (see below for contractor list).
- Control Invasive Plants: Invasive plants are a threat to establish or expand after this disturbance; they must be closely monitored and controlled starting this spring. Access could be a challenge.
- Release Desirable Regeneration: Native trees and plants will also regenerate/resprout in spring. Over the next 3-10 years releases can be done to favor the more desirable trees that need help (like oaks) from more common competition or invasives.
- Funding: There is an Emergency Forest Restoration Program you can apply for funding via your local USDA office; they also oversee the regular NRCS-EQIP program for forest improvement work.
- Persistence and Patience. This will be a long-term recovery and response.

After the hurricane, our crew members immediately started helping in Marshall, Fairview, and the Emma communities, and were able to connect with other support groups, like CiMA (Companeros Inmigrantes de las Montanas en Accion) who were working hard to help clear access to mobile home parks, and the Carolina Climbers Coalition. We encountered countless downed trees, destroyed roads and bridges, and receding waters. We are reminded that the recovery will take years and require immense support.
In addition to recovery efforts, we are hearing from landowners who are coming to grips with the destruction of their forests, wondering what can be done in response to this unprecedented disturbance. The good news is forests are resilient. They will recover, but might require some assistance. Plans will need to account for the changes in structure and priorities. Pesky invasive plants will try to take advantage of this new growing space.

Below is a list of resources that can be used by landowners who are unsure of the next steps to take.
Feel free to reach out to EcoForesters if you have questions!