Landscape Scale Restoration (LSR) Projects

Why a Landscape Approach?

Many Appalachian forests are exhausted from past use and susceptible to threats in the form of climate change (extreme weather and wildfire), invasive pests (plants and insects) and development pressures. These current conditions require a landscape scale approach to best prepare forestland for the future. This project will increase the pace of ecological forestry and add capacity to state agencies and forestry professionals.

This project is supported by the US Forest Service Southern Region’s Landscape Scale Restoration grant program and is support of the North Carolina Forest Action Plan. EcoForesters is an equal opportunity provider.

Free Consultations

Have a forestry associate cruise your woodlands and consult with you on the health of your forest

Includes free mapping and invasive species checklist

Learn about the tree species in your forest and how to improve the things you value the most

Affordable Forest Management Planning

Forest Planning is the best way to assess your forest investment and values.

Planning can reduce property taxes

Planning will help you access cost share funding

Planning takes the burden off your children and helps prepare for the future

Access additional cost share funding

Funding is available to landowners for forest improvement and invasive species control

Get help applying for cost share and better understand what codes are acceptable

Reduce your out of pocket expenses